7 Ways To Start a Successful Vlog
7 Ways To Start a Successful Vlog
People are curious by nature and they like to see what other people aredoing with their lives. This is the reason why reality TV is so successful.What are the ordinary people doing out there? What are their hopes anddreams? What excites them and how do they go about their day?It doesn’t matter that someone doesn’t know you. You have a message toshare with the world and a vlog is the perfect way to do it. Sure, you couldcreate a conventional blog and write posts about your life and share yourexperiences. But people prefer video.In a survey conducted by HubSpot a while ago, they discovered that 72%of participants preferred to watch video rather than read a blog post tolearn how to do something or find out more about a product or a service.YouTube is a giant of a website. There are 1 billion users who consumehours of video every day. There will always be somebody searchingYouTube for what you are good at. This provides you with a fantasticopportunity
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